After downloading the OCR zip file from Metalink
1.1-Log in as the ORACLE_HOME owner.
1.2-Unzip the Oracle Configuration Manager into the ORACLE_HOME directory
unzip -d $ORACLE_HOME ccr-Production-
1.3-setup ccrcd
$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/binsetupCCR [-s] [-d -p
setupCCR -s -d 15626546 TR
- The -s parameter indicates the acceptance of the Oracle Configuration Manager license agreement
- If you use the -d parameter, Oracle Configuration Manager will be installed in Disconnected Mode.
- The -d and -p parameters are mutually exclusive and cannot be used togetherCSI is the Customer Support Identifier.
- Your CSI number can be found in theProfile section of Oracle MetaLink under the Licenses link
- Country-Code is the customer’s country code (TR for Turkey)
- The -p parameter is used to specify the proxy server information needed to connect to the Internet
Note: If you are using a Unix system and you do not have access to CRON, you may encounter problems when installing Oracle Configuration Manager on Unix systems. To work around this problem, set the environment variable CCR_DISABLE_CRON_ENTRY to any value and retry the installation. You need to do this only if CRONTAB is a restricted operation
2.Oracle Configuration Manager database installation
2.1.If you run on 9.2 database you must add $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/state directory to UTL_FILE_DIR parameter and restart it
2.2.Configure the database by running (Unix) or installCCRSQL.exe (Windows)
$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/ collectconfig -s
By default, the connection to the database is through OS authentication, "/as sysdba." To specify a different SYSDBA user and password, you can use these options
$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/ collectconfig -s CRCDT
Note:If the Oracle Configuration Manager account already exists, when you run the script, it will be dropped and re-created.
Note: If you are upgrading from a 9.x database version to a 10.x version, you must run the script again to record the upgraded version.
2.3 Additional Step for E-Business Suites
$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/ ebs_collectconfig -u
2.4 Additional Step for Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/ collectemrep
3.Uninstalling Oracle Configuration Manager
3.1-If the ORACLE_HOME directory contains a database, remove the Oracle
Configuration Manager user and the associated objects from the database as
SQL> @ccr/admin/scripts/dropocm.sql;
3.2. If the database is a repository for the Oracle E-Business Suite, log in to the
database as an SYSDBA user and remove the additional objects from the database
as follows:
SQL> @ccr/admin/scripts/ebs dropccr.sql
3.3. If the database is a repository for Oracle Grid Control, log in to the database as the
SYSMAN user and remove the additional objects from the database as follows:
SQL> @ccr/admin/scripts/dropemrep_collect.sql;
3.4. To stop the Scheduler and remove the service or the crontab entry, enter the
following command:
$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/bin/deployPackages -d $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/inventory/core.jar
3.5. Delete the ccr directory by entering the following command:
$rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/ccr (On Unix)
>rmdir /s/q %ORACLE_HOME%\ccr (On Windows)
4.Collecting Configuration Data (Disconnected Mode)
4.1Collect data
$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/bin/emCCR collect
4.2 Upload data
we can upload $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/state/upload/ocmconfig.jar in SR
also a set of files are generated and stored in the "$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/state/review" directory. These files are XML and have a style sheet