The relevant files for the Listener are as follows
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl Listener control program
$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora Configuration file for the Listener
$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora Configuration file for the Listener
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/tnslnsr Server Listener process
Listener Modes :The Listener can be configured in one of three modes (as configured in listener.ora) –
· Database Provides network access to an Oracle database instance
· PLSExtProc Method for PL/SQL packages to access operating system executables
· Executable Provides network access to operating system executables
DBAs are not aware that the Listener in Oracle 8i/9i can be remotely managed using lsnrctl or a similar program from a remote machine. The Oracle 10g Listener by default cannot be remotely managed unless local OS authentication is disabled.
1-The simplest method to remotely issue commands to a Listener is to use lsnrctl with command-line parameters as such
– lsnrctl
– lsnrctl status
– lsnrctl stop
2- To set up a computer to remotely administer a Listener
- Configure the local listener.ora to resolve to the remote Listener
- Start from the command line lsnrctl and specify the Listener name
LSNRCTL> set current_listener
The following are some examples of possible attacks against an Oracle 8i/9i Listener which has a default configuration and is not properly secured.
Execute SQL as DBA: It is possible to overwrite the ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql by changing the location of the log file and then sending SQL statements in Listener commands to the file. When the SQL*Plus is executed locally on the server (usually by a DBA), then the SQL statements are executed during the SQL*Plus startup.
Allow Login via rlogin:The Listener log can be used to overwrite an .rlogin file with additional host information, thus allowing an attacker access the server using rlogin.
Denial of Service (DoS) An attacker is able to –
· Stop the Listener
· Set a Listener password so that the Listener ca not be started without a password, although the DBA simply has to edit the listener.ora file and remove the password line
Denial of Service (DoS):Undermine the stability of the server and database by overwriting arbitrary files by changing the directory and filename of the log and trace files to any location accessible by the operating system account that owns the database (usually "oracle").
Denial of Service (DoS) Setting the Listener trace level to "support" may cause performance degradation on a heavily accessed database server.
Information Disclosure:Obtain detailed information on the Listener configuration and database installation such as –
· Database Service Names (e.g., SIDs)
· Database and Listener versions
· Log and trace settings including directory and file names
· Security settings
· Database server operating system
· Oracle environmental variables (ORACLE_HOME, etc.)
1- If a password is not set on the Listener, someone who knows just a hostname and port number (default port is 1521) has full control over the Listener
2- Oracle Security Alerts:
Check the Oracle security alerts
3- Brute Forcing Listener Password:
The Listener password can easily be brute forced, since there is no automatic lockout facility and no requirements for strong passwords. Repetitive set password commands can be sent to the listener using a hacking program. If logging is enabled (set log_status on), invalid password attempts will appear with an error code of TNS-01169.
4- Passwords Transmitted in Clear Text:
Using the set password command remotely will transmit the password across the network in clear text with every command. If encryption is setup for the listener using the Advanced Security Option (ASO), then the passwords will be sent encrypted across the network. The change password command does encrypt the password when the lsnrctl program is used
The password for the Listener is stored in the listener.ora file. If the PASSWORDS_
Prior to Oracle 10g, the encrypted password string could be substituted for the actual password when issuing the set password command. This is useful in executing scripts to stop the Listener. If a password is set for the Oracle 10g Listener, scripts must use the actual password rather than the encrypted string.
If the Listener password is set to "mypassword", then the listener.ora file will have the encrypted string. The following lsnrctl commands using either the plain-text password or encrypted string will both work prior to Oracle 10g.
LSNRCTL> set password
Password: mypassword
LSNRCTL> set password Password: F4BAA4A006C26134
A major change to Listener security in Oracle 10g (10.1 and 10.2) was the introduction of Local OS Authentication. By default, the Listener cannot be remotely managed and can only be managed locally by the owner of the tnslsnr process (usually oracle).
If another operating system user attempts to manage the Listener, the following message will be displayed in the Listener log file –
TNS-01190: The user is not authorized to execute the requested listener command
If someone attempts to managed the Listener remotely, the following message will be displayed in the Listener log file –
TNS-01189: The listener could not authenticate the user
Local OS Authentication can be disabled by setting the LOCAL_OS_AUTHENTICATION_
When Local OS Authentication is disabled, the Listener behaves exactly as in Oracle 8i/9i. Thus, it should have a password set and ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS set to On.
By default, logging is not enabled (LOG_STATUS=OFF). When logging is enabled, the default directory is $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin and the log file default is
The following are TNS errors that may signify an attack or inappropriate activity
TNS-01169:An attempt was made to issue a command, but a password is set
TNS-01189:Oracle 10g – Local OS Authentication is enabled and attempt was made to manage the Listener remotely or locally by another user
TNS-01190:Oracle 10g – Local OS Authentication is enabled and attempt was made to manage the Listener locally by another user
TNS-12508:This error occurs when an invalid command is issue (e.g., statusx instead of status) or when a set command is issued and ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS is set to no.