- Check your OS user group e.x my group is dbap (not dba)
uid=1030(oracle) gid=1030(dbap) - Check if this group is in /etc/group
cat /etc/groupgrep dbap - Check config.s or config
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
ls -lrt config.*
cat config.s #It can be also config.c - correct group name in config.s file (example Change both ocurrences of dba to dbap )
Sun SPARC Solaris
.ascii "dbap\0"
IBM AIX/Intel Solaris:
.string "dbap" - To effect any changes to the groups and to be sure you are using the groups defined in this file relink the Oracle executable.Be sure to shutdown all databases before relinking
mv config.o config.o.orig
make -f ins_rdbms.mk ioracle
Friday, February 12, 2010
sqlplus / as sysdba, ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
Incorrectly stored dates in a database
What is incorrect date
- You might sometimes find a DATE column in a database with incorrectly stored data like '00-000-0000'
- It can be unexpected errors like ORA-01841
- Or the result is correct but if you try to use it in where clause the result is incorrect
How can these dates end up in the database
- This issue is about your client side code and database provider
- if your client application uses OCI or Pro*C, then you can use the DATE external data type in OCI and Pro*C to insert illegal values into the database
Detection of these incorrect values
Use dump function on this data example (there are to rows looks similiar but their dump is not the same CIl_NCZ_VERILIS_TARIHI is a date cloumn an values kept as dd/mm/yyyy )
select CIl_NCZ_VERILIS_TARIHI,dump(a.CIl_NCZ_VERILIS_TARIHI,16) from aaa a;
30/11/2001 Typ=12 Len=7: 50,63,b,1e,1,1,1
30/11/2001 Typ=12 Len=7: 78,65,b,1e,1,1,1
How to find bad rows in a date column?
To find the rowid's of a date column giving ORA-01841 you can use a approach like:
CURSOR c1 IS SELECT rowid, DUMP (incorrectdate) as DUMP FROM incorrecttable;
v_incorrectdate incorrecttable.incorrectdate%TYPE;
date_error_detected EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(date_error_detected,-1841);
FOR row_rec IN c1
dbms_output.put('ROWID: 'row_rec.rowid' DUMP:'row_rec.dump);
SELECT incorrectdate INTO v_incorrectdate FROM incorrecttable WHERE rowid=row_rec.rowid;
dbms_output.put_line(' DATE:'v_incorrectdate);
WHEN date_error_detected THEN dbms_output.put_line(' DATE: Got ORA-01841 on this date');