Sunday, April 25, 2010


NLS_LANG is used to let Oracle know what characterset you client's OS is USING so that Oracle can do (if needed) conversion from the client's characterset to the database characterset.

The characterset defined with the NLS_LANG parameter does NOT CHANGE your client's characterset, it is used to let Oracle *know* what characterset you are USING on the client side, so Oracle can do the proper conversion. You cannot change the characterset of your client by using a different NLS_LANG! To change the client characterset you need to change the OS configuration, not a Oracle parameters.

NLS_LANG consist of: NLS_LANG=_.

Each component of the NLS_LANG parameter controls the operation of a subset of globalization support features:

Language:Specifies conventions such as the language used for Oracle messages, sorting, day names, and month names. Each supported language has a unique name; for example, AMERICAN, FRENCH, or GERMAN. The language argument specifies default values for the territory and character set arguments. If the language is not specified, then the value defaults to AMERICAN.

Territory:Specifies conventions such as the default date, monetary, and numeric formats. Each supported territory has a unique name; for example, AMERICA, FRANCE, or CANADA. If the territory is not specified, then the value is derived from the language value.

Charset:Specifies the character set used by the client application (normally the Oracle character set that corresponds to the user's terminal character set or the OS character set). Each supported character set has a unique acronym, for example, US7ASCII, WE8ISO8859P1, WE8DEC, WE8MSWIN1252, or JA16EUC. Each language has a default character set associated with it.

All components of the NLS_LANG definition are optional; any item that is not specified uses its default value. If you specify territory or character set, then you must include the preceding delimiter [underscore (_) for territory, period (.) for character set]. Otherwise, the value is parsed as a language name.

For example, to set only the territory portion of NLS_LANG, use the following format: NLS_LANG=_JAPAN

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