Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Is the Oracle JVM actively used in the database

Check  If the Oracle JVM is installed in the database  from  "How to Check if the Oracle JVM is Installed Correctly in the Database " articale  .If  it is installed then
There is no way to confirm if Oracle JVM is not actively used in the database. However, what can be said is
  1. If there are non-Oracle schemas that contain java objects, then 3rd party products or user defined java programs could be actively using the Oracle JVM.
  2. If there are Oracle schemas, other than SYS, that contain java objects, then other Oracle products or Oracle Applications could be actively using the Oracle JVM. (For example, ORDSYS schema for Oracle Intermedia and APPS schema for Oracle Applications).
  3. Even if all java objects are owned by SYS schema, there might still be user defined java objects in the SYS schema.
Related  Topics:
How to Check if the Oracle JVM is Installed Correctly in the Database
Script to Check the Status of the JVM within the Database

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